Linda Coogan debut album release
14th Sept
aoife lanigan


Linda Coogan is set to release her debut album, Holding Back, this September, but there is little holding back for this woman. With a list of UK gigs already confirmed and guest appearances nationwide along with in store performances and radio interviews nationwide, Linda will demand the publics attention. Before heading off to the states in early 2007 to woo the audiences over there.
Even a preview listen to Holding back makes it obviously clear that Linda has something to give that is refreshing to the senses and soothing to the soul. Apart from her poetic lyrics and melodic instrumentation , there is defiantly an originality that exits when one hears her voice. Soft sultry and powerful to the senses.

Holding back focus’s on the bare, raw voice and songs of Linda . It is determined to deliver Linda’s raw and original sound– with the help of banjo and bouzouki undertones, melodic bass lines, acoustic and electric guitar and percussion. All set up in one big live room in studio, the overall sound gives the listener the feel of a live performance. The songs themselves see Linda showing modestly her untouched talent, while touching on the broadest of styles from jazz/blues, rock and folk, this blend brings a feel to the album that will lure in and gently ease anyone who listens to her sensual voice. decribed by her fans as a cross between "Tori Amos and Jewel". One cant go wrong if buying this masterpiece.