Update your details
Ron, IrishUnsigned

source: http://www.irishunsigned.com/fullstory.php?id=576

This is a reminder to advise you to take the time to update your entry on IrishUnsigned.com You were sent a password (to this email address) so time ago but as yet your entry appears to be uneditted.

Although we don’t really mind whether or not you do the update, there are two things to note.

First, because of the amount of Artists (462) and tracks (829) on the site, we will be 'hiding' those Artists and also Organisations who have not been updated, not as a punishment, but because we will assume that the Act/Org is not longer active, and we want to avoid sending visitors looking for websites and links that no longer exist. If you Act/Org has disbanded, please be good eoungh to let us know

Second, the rate of increas in our visitors, and the time they are spending in the site, and the number of pages they are viewing, tells us that we are attracting more and more serious 'fans' of music. We want to avoid wasting their time and we want to ensure they have the latest information available about your Act/Organisations. In the last week alone we had an average of about 100 visitors per day, which averages up to 36,000 per year. Make sure they see what you're currently up to, if anything, and that they can find your music/services and websites.