More on Outersounds: test the system.
Ron, IU


As some readers of IU will have seen, we're highly recommending Outersounds for Artists who wish to sell their Music online. Like Napster, iTunes etc, Artists sell tracks for 99c, but get to keep 88% of profits (after PayPal fees are taken out. See IU News for sample calculations).

Anyway, we're heavily involved with testing this new Indie/Unsigned Artists sales system, and, to do so, we'd like your assistance. Now, I *know* that all in here have DeXtra MP3's coming out of their ears (nice pun, eh?), but bear with us.

Each track costs, as mentioned, 99c, but IrishUnsigned will be funding a coupon so you get 99c off. Do the maths.

Go to, find DeXtra, click to 'buy' the two songs that are there (Feelin Blue and Angel From Heaven in full 192Kbps). You have to do them one at a time (we're working on getting that changed). When the first track is clicked, add the coupon code for it, then go to Checkout and make sure the total to pay is Nil. Then repeat the process for the second track. You should get emails with download links in them. Download the songs (or at least start the download if you already have the tracks) to make sure the links work.

If you have any feedback on the whole process, email us or Outersounds with your observations and suggestions.

Currently, any user can repeat the process as many times as they like. This will change to one recorded sale per username, but for now, it isn't. If you 'buy' the track multiple times, it will obviously help DeXtra in the long run as they will be a 'Bestseller'.

Any questions, email me. After using the coupon, the 'Invoice' you see should say "Where did you hear of Ourtersounds" and should have IrishUnsigned beside it. If not, let us know and let us know if you linked to them from our site, or went directly to their site (we're tracking referrals etc)

Oh, and pass this on to all your mates. Any use before the end of June will allow those codes to be used, so your mates get free music as well as long as they register and buy from Outersounds using these codes.

Song: Feelin Blue
Code: iu01

Song: Angel from Heaven
Code: iu02

By all means you can buy more music from there, but we only have coupons for these two. We're working on more, so maybe more free music in the near future.

Here's a direct link: