Photography: what you should be looking for...
Ron, IU


I have recently been asked by four different bands to 'recommend' a photographer to them, particularly for live shots. While I have no problem recommending people who do a good job, I cannot really recommend anyone who I have no personal knowledge of.

Furthermore, IrishUnsigned cannot be hedl responsible for any information that may be found on the IU Industry section, for a particular organisation. Like everything in life, find out for yourself and don't believe everything you read. Talk to others, ask around, look for sample work, look for previous customers and ask them. Any organisation that will not provide samples and/or previous clients, must have something to worry about, in my humble opinion.

On that subject, I was recently sent a mailout by Limerick metal-heads Roper, who I came accross (not literally, you understand) at the ehats and Final of the Bank of Ireland National Student Music Awards. In it they quoted something from my review, which is cool, cos it means that IrishUnsigned gets more exposure. However, at the end of their mailout is a link to the photos from the TBMC NSMA Final by Shawna Scott of Access All Areas Photography and they were stunning

So, for those of you who emailed and called me, looking for a decent live photographer, speak to Roper and see if they are happy with the work done.

Here's a sample:

See Roper's website at for more info