IU acts hit the States... virtually
Ron, IU

source: http://www.irishunsigned.com/fullstory.php?id=50

After the test period of new arrangements we have made with various American and European online and offline radio stations, we have noticed a great deal of interest in our radio stream on the IrishUnsigned site.

For example, of the bands we have been actively promoting (i.e. those on the "Scene Unheard" compilation and those who we owe favours to, we have a record from just *one* of the online stations that caters to the retail and commercial trade (i.e. malls, shops, offices etc).

Here are the top list of plays for the bands (remember this is in just a month - the first month, no less):

Lucas - 31 plays
Someday - 18 plays
Uber - 15 plays
North Horizon - 12 plays
Jade - 10 plays
Pharaoh House Crash - 7
JFK - 6 plays

If you want in on these and other projects, get in touch. In order to do so, we have to have access to your material online and it has to be recorded well (genre or style is irrelevant). Instructions for getting your material on our online radio stream are here.

See the other news item on this subject if you want us to do it for you.