Natioal Student Music Awards launches
Ron, IU


The Bank of Ierland National Student Music Awards '06 is officially launched next week (Jan 23rd, I think)

If you are ni a band, or know of a band, who have any member in full time 3rd level education, then this might be just the thing they need to get their name out there.

Last eyar's winners, Delorentos, ended up with a goodie bag full of decent prizes, such as studio time in both Grouse Lodge and Abbey Road, London; a record release deal with American Blood records; TV appearenaces in Ireland and the UK and much more. They also did their profile the world of good, latterly releasing their debut single to overall acclaim.

With the advent of the Bank of Ireland association with the event, the potential for increased awareness of the participating bands is huge. The Bank will be running competions throughout it's branch network, and the simple scale of this, coulped with the usual NSMA music and generic PR campaign, means that the winning band, as well as going on to represent Ireland in the NSMA UK finals, may even become a household name. The Bank *might* even like their music so much they choose it to head an advertising campaign. You never know :-).