Vesta Varro schedules single release...
Ron, IU


Limerick band Vesta Varro tell us that they are planning on releasing their single (probable Supa Hero) along with a second track and a video (for 'Believe') in mid-September, about 6 weeks away, coinciding with a bit of a promo-tour.

Having seem the lads in action last week in Draperstown (N.Ireland) for the Glasgowbury 'Small but massive' 3-day festival, I have to say they have certainly matured in terms of sound. A new bassist has added to the mix, and coupled with Damien Drea's on-stage persona (love it or hate it), Vesta Varro certainly have *something* that only the top layer of grass roots bands have - and they have some superb tracks to go along with it.

Have a listen to "Believe", first released by on a compilation album more than 2 years ago, and you get an idea of the power of their songs, but listen then to "Supa Hero" and you also get to hear the diversity. I never really *liked* Vesta Varro as such, but I was certainly very impressed by them recently.

Apparently, a new Irish record label has chosen Vesta Varro as their first release, and this will be followed by a schedule of six singles over the following 12 months, coupled with occasional album/EP releases. Haven;t got details of the label as yest, but watch this space, as the saying goes...