Note: Remember - your entry will be removed if it is nothing but a couple of lines and a "visit our site" effort. IrishUnsigned is not a links directory. No complaints afterwards either!
Act Name:
* required field
* Enter a password to edit your entries.
password again
* Repeat the password for verification. Do not lose it
When was the band originally formed?
* required field
Number of members:
* required field. Enter a digit, not words (i.e. 6, not six)
Members names/roles:
* i.e Joe Bloggs - Vox and guitar, Mick McMick - Drums (max 255 characters)
* List your Act's musical influences, or who you sound similar to (max 255 characters)

* required field
Second Genre:

* Optional
Third Genre:

* Optional

* required field. Select 'Outside Ireland' if not based in RoI or NI.
* address of a website where information can be found, even MySpace, CPU etc.
* required field
Contact Name / Manager name:
* required field
Contact / Manager phone number(s):
* required field
Enter your 'SKYPE' name if any:
* Click here to get SKYPE
Enter your 'ICQ' details, if any:
* Click here to get ICQ
Full path to picture:
* How do I get that? | Check URL
Song link 1
* How do I get that? | Check URL
Title 1
Song link 2: Check URL
Title 2
Song link 3: Check URL
Title 3
Song link 4: Check URL
Title 4 Check URL
Video/visuals link:
* How do I get that?Check URL
Video title
* Make an effort. We expect at least 100 words, minimum. Add something about style(s), influence(s), highlight(s) to date, release(s) to date, media coverage, how/why the Act started out and so on. Make it interesting enough to read...

* = Required field









Q. How do I get the full path to an image that can be included in the Artists entry?
A. Right-click on a photo of the Act or your CD etc, anywhere online, and click properties. Locate the 'Address (URL)' data and treble-click on it to select the entire link. Then press CTRL+C to copy it to memory. Click into the "Picture" field above, then press CTRL+V to paste the date into the box.

Q. How do I get the full path to a video/song/track that can be included in the Artists entry?
A. Locate the video/song online (either on your own site or another). Right-click on a hyperlink that plays or links to the track. Select "Copy shortcut" from the context-menu. If the "Copy Shortcut" option is not available when you right-click on the file/link, click 'Properties' instead, treble-click on the path beside 'Address/URL' and copy that instead by right-clicking on it and selecting 'copy'. Then, left-click into the appropriate field above, and press CTRL+V (or right-click in the field and select 'paste') to paste the date into the box. Don't forget to repeat the entire process for each song you wish to add, and don't forget to add the song's title.