Ornaith O - Outside Ireland. (Indie)


Ornaith O'Dowd is a songwriter from Galway, now based in Brooklyn, New York, who makes postpunk-infected pop songs with a strictly independent, noncommercial ethos. You'll hear hints of The Cure, The Smiths, Joy Division, Magazine, the Cocteau Twins, Ride, and The Jam, all crucial influences on her sound, but Ornaith's music also draws less immediately noticeable inspiration from the diverse worlds of pure pop (Madonna and ABBA are dear to her heart)and early polyphonic church music (Palestrina is a favourite from childhood, thanks to her mother's participation in a local church choir).
Ornaith has been writing songs since childhood, and recorded her first album, "Blank Melodies" at the age of seventeen. While at university in Galway, she formed a band called The Craving, who played some very loud shows in the mid 90s. After taking some time out to finish a Masters degree, earn a first degree black belt in Taekwon-do, and move to New York, she returned to creative pursuits in 2005 and began writing and recording the current EP, "The Pomegranate Heart", which has just been released in mp3 format.
When not making songs, Ornaith teaches philosophy at Brooklyn College, and is doing a PhD on Kantian ethics and its feminist critics.
Tracks available for download (if any):
Leaving Town http://www.http://editprofile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=bandprofile.songs&Mytoken=B3F1D88A-15A1-42D2-87C0572E499C4CC025450317
This DJ Plays B-Sides http://www.http://editprofile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=bandprofile.songs&Mytoken=B3F1D88A-15A1-42D2-87C0572E499C4CC025450317