History of Harry - Dublin. (Blues/Rock)

History of Harry are a relatively new Dublin-based band. This in itself is hard to believe. Harder still, is that the bands average age is 19 years old. With mature vocals, adept musicianship and a distinctly unique song-writing style, History of Harry's talent belies their years. I first discovered History of Harry in 2005. They were playing in The Sugar Club, Dublin. At first I was drawn in by lead singer Richard Farrells' powerful voice. This is a rock vocalist that suits the bands rock/funk style, is perfectly in tune, and at the same time sounds instantly original. He is backed up by the fill-happy, intricate drumming of Paul McGonagle, the driving funky bass-lines provided by Brian Murphy, and the melodic riffs of guitarist John McGrath. Their diverse range of songs showcases their seemingly effortless knack for riffs, hooks, and memorable vocal melodies, which often drift into three-part harmony. Drawing from genres such as funk, soul, blues, folk, and plain old rock n roll, History of Harry have the songs and the ability to switch from one to the other freely and readily, often within the same song! In a review such as this, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the bands main style or influence(s). And this is what makes them truly compelling. Ask one of their fans what they sound like and they wont be able to tell you - a testament to the bands versatility. The only way to find out is by hearing them yourself. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Tracks available for download (if any):
no matter what www.myspace.com/historyofharry
jazz song http://www.myspace.com/historyofharry
high http://www.myspace.com/historyofharry
maked up caked up, fake one http://www.myspace.com/historyofharry