VEDA KOBA - . (Rock and Roll)
+353 85 7240255

Welcome to VEDA KOBA
Indomitable wisdom being the direct translation of the bands name; we have one sound emanating from the stage. An original band from Cork City that sates the thirst for emotional and raw performance, Veda Koba are bringing together, in unison, the stylings and experiences of a comfortable four piece group to offer energy and dynamics in a natural setting.

The face you remember is vocalist and all round front man Tony Cogan's. His charisma and appeal are already established at home in Cork with the hype surrounding his first and consequent appearances with Veda Koba circulating heavily amongst the scene aficionados.

Tenacious are the Bonham-styled efforts of drummer Rob Collins, who brings more than a powerhouse of strength to a well gritted sound. Showing a tasteful ear towards mingling drum strokes with guitar lines delicately while maintaining the rhythm & feel, a gig in front of his drum kit is still pounding.

An alternatively popular signature bass sound is Lawrence Shortt's most recognizable contribution aside from the harmonies provided by his choice of notes over changes, his constantly emotional playing is a tribute to his art. Utilizing his bass in the non-stereotypical fashion of today’s minimalists he still relates melody directly to structure allowing a diversity of performance that average bassists rarely offer.

With penchant for simplicity Scott Mc Carthy delivers the guitar lines, which mingle freely to support each songs energy and emotion. Cutting his teeth in the almost anonymous reggae scene allowed a unique feel to grow in his approach to (guitar-geek-dom and) providing a show while maintaining an honest approach to performance. A player with a love for but not restricted to the blues that never sells himself short on stage.

This is Veda Koba, related listening includes "Plato's Cave"

© 2005, Avedonia Entertainments and "This is a Sound Check" © 2004/5, Angel Lane productions

Tracks available for download (if any):