Fivewilldie - Cork. (Heavy Metal)

Formed in early 2005 from the ashes of old school Grindcore band Sludgehook. Fivewilldie was founded by Hook members Frank (Guitar), Howard(guitar) and Alan(drums) who set about practicing old and writing some new material. Johnny Watkins(bass) joined up soon after. After a debut gig in Fred Zepplelins in Cork (featuring St Murray on temperary vocals, (now with Big Red,) on the 25th of Febuary 2005 the band recruited guttural vocalist Paul who had come to watch the performance.After a year of loyal service,Paul left ammicably in March 2006 to join instrumentalists Sirrocco,and was quickly replaced by Andy-(he of ex-Within) In June 2006 Johnny Watkins was replaced by Bag of cans Barry-(legend), keepin in line with the old sludgehook tradition of musical chairs. As of July 2006, Fivewilldie finally became an accomplished and settled line-up. In November 06, Fivewilldie cut their first demo 'Year Of The Dead', and proceded to bombast Cork City with a string of intense gigs.Fivewilldie in 2007 are a formidable live force, check out their intense and energetic shows around the country....2008 will see a new album, a venture to Europe, and more face peeling gigs around the country... Fivewilldie play very fuckin heavy
Tracks available for download (if any):

Too Much Too Young
Year of the Dead
Yankee Hate Machine