Onwards and upwards for Outersounds downlaod site?

source: http://www.irishunsigned.com/fullstory.php?id=648

In the moonth of September, Outersounds (www.outersounds.ie) is to be featured in advertising (TV, Radio and Print) in the PR that will accompany releases from various Artists, from Red Hurley(!) to Shelley, Ronan O Snodaigh and St Julien, plus many more in the coming months. We expect Outersounds traffic to increase significantly over the coming period. Artists, should ensure that their music is available from Outersounds. After all, people cannot buy your music if it is not there.

We are also, as you know, confirmned contributors to the official IRMA Irish music charts. Bear that in mind when you are planning on releasing a single. Outersounds is, in fact, the *only* Irish-based download site, as far as we know, that is counted towards the official charts. The others are all based outside Ireland. In the near future, Outersounds will be developing the ability for Artists to sell multiple tracks per one order. This means you can sell an EP, an Album, or a collection of individual tracks as one sale. This will make things easier for you to sell, and will also make Outersounds more attractive to labels and distributors, thereby increasing our attractiveness to casual visitors who want to buy commercially-released music and who may (or may not!) then go on to discover and buy your music.

Please spread the word among your fans, and any Artists you are in contact with. There is not much point in simply adding your music to the site, as many Acts have done, and not telling anyone it is there. Put the link to your songs on any site you post to, and on your own site(s), on MySpace etc. The more traffic that is generated, the more the awareness of Outersounds expands and the more chance you have of generating fans and sales. On top of that, if you promote the sales of your songs on Outersounds in our early days, your sales numbers will give you that much better chance of getting into the all-time top 10 downlaods, and generating, perhaps, more awareness, sales and fans.

We are in the process of teaming up with IrishUnsigned.com, who have heavily promoted Outersounds because of our accessibility to Independent artists. All music added to Outersounds will also be added to the IrishUnsigned radio stream which has been used as a music source by dozens of International radio stations, online and offline. We will also replicate the stream on Outersounds. It stands to reason that the sooner you are included, the more chance you have of being heard.

All in all, things are looking very good for the Outersounds development over the next 12 months. We have all sorts of potential plans in place, and are discussing strategic partnerships with various other parties. We hope to take you along for the ride.

Thanks for now

Outersounds Development