The Hit Parade
Ron, IU


Statistics relating to IrishUnsigned visitors and site-entries for the month of May, 2006.

May saw the highest number of page-reads in IrishUnsigned's history. More than 2,000 unique visitors read/visited almost 10,000 page-views, meaning the average visitor in May saw 5 pages on the site.

21,644 visitors returned to the site within 60 minutes of leaving it (that's an ongoing calculation, not just for this month/year) suggesting that many of them linked out of the site (perhaps to Artist's sites) and then came back again. This, from a web-designers perspective, is a good thing. Visitors sticking around and visitors returning are the things that we use to analyse the usefullness of the site (not just hits)

So far in 2006, we have had more than 6,000 unique visitors, with more than 18,000 page-views between them. Considering that the entire year of 2005 (when IU things were a bit dormant) saw only 8,000 visitors and under 11,000 page-views, the increase is excellent. We are predicted to see approx 14,000 unique visitors and more than 29,000 page-views in the 2006 calendar year.

Our highest number of referred visitors are sent by links from Google. No surprise there. Google sent almost 2500 unique visitors to us in the current year, which would probably be much higher if there were more links-in to the site from elsewhere, putting us higher in the rankings used by Google.

Since the new version of the site was launched, only 62 of the 446 Artists on the site took the time to edit their entries, suggesting the rest either (a)are inactive, (b)changed their email adderss and didn't get the mailout for it or (c)are just lazy. After a while, we will be limiting access to those entrise which have not been updated, assuming them to be inactive. The average age of band members from those Artists who have updated their entries is 26. Seems they're not all a bunch of kiddies :-)

Similarly, only 1 in 11 of the Industry organisations on the site have updated their entrise since the passwords were email out.

More than half of those that have been editted (34 of 62) are based in Dublin. If this was the same percentage accross the site, it would suggest that over 250 of teh 446 Artists on IU are based in Dublin. I wonder if this is because Artists relocate to Dublin to be nearer the 'action', or because Dublin produces more Artists as it has a huge population compared to everywhere else. Just curious, not an invitation to a slanging match!

Approx 70% (a rough calculation based on availaible data) of IU Artists are members of IMRO, while only about 15% are members of RAAP (essentially the IMRO for performers instead of songwriters). Similarly, 70% of Artists have heard of, or used, Music Control's services, 85% are - or would consider becoming - members of a Union of some sort (maybe not a musician's union, however), and 70% use Organisations other than IU to promote their work.

If you are listed as an Artist on IU and would like to contribute to this data, please do so by going here. All data is private and you cannot be identified or associated in any way with the answers you provide. However, please don't take the piss, as this just means I have to delete your answers.