Ron, IrishUnsigned

source: http://www.irishunsigned.com/fullstory.php?id=315

Delorentos head over to London next wek for the final of the UK's National Student Music Awards, and are pitched against some serious up-coming talent for the grand prize, sponsored by Lee Cooper.

Accompanying Delorentos will be a reporter from HotPress, Edel Dooley from Waterford's "Beat FM", and some of us in IrishUnsigned.com

A great pissup is planned by all and maybe, at the end of it, we'll be sober enough to see Delorentos pick up some serious goodies...

On the off-chance that anyone out there wants to go (join the jet-set, eh?) the gig is on Wednesday, May 11th at ULU, in Gower Street. Flights are cheap, and accomodation is available for about e75 for three people sharing a room.