Underground Music Awards
Damien Gill

source: http://www.irishunsigned.com/fullstory.php?id=245

The 1st annual IMN Underground Music Awards will be taking place later this year in Dublin. We are now compiling a list of nominees for this event with voting to take place shortly after the shortlist for each category has been announced.

In order to make nominations for this award please go to http://www.irishmusicnetwork.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=6 and follow the instructions.

This event will have in attendance members of the national and local newspapers, will have footage screened on television and will be broadcast live on radio.

Fore more information regarding this event then please contact damien.gill@irishmusicnetwork.net or dermot.mccarthy@irishmusicnetwork.net

Thank You

Categories For The Awards Are

Best Single - Best Album - Best Song - Most Promising Act -

Best Independant Label - Best Studio (Rehearsal and recording ) -Artist of the Year - Best Vocalist - Best

Live Performance - Best Magazine (Online & Print) - Best

Web Resource - Best Radio Station (Frequency or Internet)