Latest info from Gary Dunne
Gary Dunne



Gary here from wet and windy London. Hope all's well where you are. We've got tonnes of stuff happening so I'll be brief.

- Our video project is going great. Check it out at The deadline for taking part is Mar 31 so get them too us soon if you're interested in taking part.

- You can now pre-order a signed copy of the new album from These will be shipped first week in April. We've also got two exclusive preview tracks up there, including 'Beginning of the End' with Duke Special on piano and backing vocals.

- I've just been nominated for an Indy Award. If you have the time...

1) Visit
2) Click ‘Artist Voting’ on the left
3) Find me under the A-Z (It’s under G!)
4) Click VOTE!

- If you're on facebook, we've just set up a musician page.

- Our e-promo team is buzzing with ideas and activity. If you're interested in taking part in spreading the word drop us a mail.

- Finally, I'm previewing lots of new material and some of the new band members (!) at a free gig in The London Irish Centre tomorrow night (Tues 11th). Also playing is the very talented John Myers. Things kick off about 8pm.

That's all for now.

Wrap up warm,


ps new coming very soon