If you want to add an article to the IrishUnsigned news database, go here and include the authors name, your name (if not the author), original published source (if any) and contact details

Taking The Independent Route - Setting Up An Independent Record Label by Angela Dorgan, Federation of Music Collectives
Source (if any): http://www.imro.ie/music_makers/pub4.shtml

What is copyright? by The IFPI
Source (if any): http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/copyrightcreativity/what_is_copyright.html

Digital Music and New Media : Legal Issues vs. Business Practices by Eli Wendkos, MusicDish.com
Source (if any): http://www.musicdish.com/

"Sampling and New Independent Dance Labels: The Importance of Understanding Copyright Law" by Jenna Bruce, Music Industry Law Correspondent, Northamptonshire, UK
Source (if any): http://www.musicjournal.org/02sampling.html

"The Complete Songwriter/Producer : An Antidote to Industry Short-termism" by Jonathan Little, Music Business Lecturer, Surrey, UK
Source (if any): http://www.musicjournal.org/02songwriting.htm

"Copyright and the Digital Distribution of Music" by David Moser, Music Industry Lawyer and Lecturer, USA
Source (if any): http://www.musicjournal.org/01digitalcopyright.htm

"The Drop In Worldwide CD Sales: A Case of Collective Blame?" by Sounni de Fontenay, Editor-in-Chief, MusicDish
Source (if any): http://www.musicjournal.org/01cdsales.htm

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